Consultation & Design

Unless you have a new build, complete re-design is rarely necessary. It can be difficult to visualise exactly what you want for your garden or know how to achieve it.

I offer affordable, professional advice and a flexible design service.

A few hours of my time may be all that’s needed to find a creative solution for a tricky area. I can help identify opportunities to enhance your garden and prepare a plan – whether you intend to do the work yourself or enlist my services/that of a landscaper.

Clients often ask that a design is planned and created in stages to accommodate budget and lifestyle changes – this makes a lot of sense, particularly for families.

Examples: border rejuvenation, choosing the right tree, an impactful & easy maintenance front garden.

Examples of garden design are shown below. Click on any image to enlarge. Use Esc key or Close (X) button to exit.